Saturday: So many interesting visitors passed through Camper Contemporary today. We met all kinds of exciting people and were invited to show all over the US. The day ended with a van of burlesque dancers and a fire twirler doing a photoshoot in front of the camper. We look forward to returning to 25th street next year and participating with Aqua Art Fair. Thanks again to all the people who helped and supported us on this trip. We couldn't have done it without you!
Friday: We had another fantastic day here in Miami. We had all sorts of wonderful people stop by and visit us. We received great coverage. At Basel itself, our artists were hastled by security for their blue travelsuits...even that couldn't put a damper on a wonderful day!
Thursday: We had a very sucessful day here at Camper Contemporary. We parked in a great locaction near Red Dot Art Fair. While we were still setting up, we kicked off the day by giving an interview to a reporter from NPR. Throughout the day, there was very good response to all of the work and the mobile gallery concept; we should be showing up on several blogs which we will link up to as they appear. The city of Miami had a bit of a problem with us displaying on the street, but the permit people were also art lovers so they were nice enough to overlook us for the rest of the day. Our new friend of the gallery, the ultimate connector here in Miami Jonathan Rose of the Cultural Bulletin, hooked us up with the wonderful people at 25 artspace for a better location for tomorrow that should be out of the city's way. Look for us Friday near the Aqua art fair on 25th street just off of Miami Blvd.
Wednesday: After many hours of driving at a top speed of 60 mph, many pitstops, and minor electrical difficulties, Camper Contemporary has arrived safely in Miami. Tommorrow we will be staking out a location in the Wynwood design district.